Contact Us

Fredric Svedare
Mobil: 073-666 94 02
E-posta Fredric

Alex Rydén
Mobil: 076-833 33 14
E-posta Alex


Team Vikarna
Kvällsvägen 9

Team Vikarna
Sunnanå 232


There are several ways how to reach us:

You can get to Stockholm by plane and then travel by rental car. There are daily flights from the bigger airports to Stockholm. Even scheduled flights (such as BA, SAS, Lufthansa, KLM) offer rates from 200 POUND for early reservations. At Arlanda airport you can rent a van for the remaining journey

Travelling by one`s own car is also very attractive, as you will enjoy the wintry scenery much more and you will come through new cities. Crossing the sea by ferry to Göteborg or Oslo guaranties a relaxing and enjoyable trip.

We can only provide you examples for the journey, but if you would like us to assist you with any travel arrangements please do not hesitate to contact us.

Some useful tips

Please bear in mind using winter tyres is compulsory in Sweden

The restrictions for alcohol and cigarettes have been loosened in the last years but the import is still limited.


Do you require further information? Would you like to book your holidays or just find out available periods? Are you interested in price information?

Please do not hesitate to contact us / to get in touch with us.

Hasse, Fredric & Alex

Gilla oss på facebook

+46 54 - 83 90 00